Our Fees

Early-Learning for Two Year Olds

We accept Funded places for two, three and four-year olds.

Parents or carers of two-year olds who are eligible can apply for a free Early place which will fund childcare sessions for fifteen hours per week, flexibly to suit you, 38 weeks of the year.

To see if you meet the criteria, contact Sandwell Family Information Service on 0121 569 4914 or via e-mail, on family-information@sandwell.gov.uk

Nursery Places for Three and Four Year Olds

Three and four-year old children are entitled to receive fifteen hours of free early education per week, 38 weeks a year.

Early Years Premium

Children aged 3 and 4 years old who receive nursery education in Sandwell and who meet certain eligibility criteria, will be entitled to the Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP).

This EYPP is extra funding which will be paid to provide extra support for children’s development, learning and care.

Reducing the cost of childcare

Nine out of ten families with children are entitled to claim a tax rebate to help them fund childcare. This can be up to a maximum of 70 pence for every pound that you pay out in childcare costs.

Tax and National Insurance exemptions (known as Childcare Vouchers)

The first £56 per week of the cost of approved childcare will be exempt from tax and National Insurance. This is available to each employed parent. In order to benefit from these exemptions, your employer can make us one of the existing voucher services that have been set up (please ask for details).

Parents may be able to benefit from either the Tax Credits or Tax and National Insurance exemptions, thus reducing childcare costs still further.

Local Authority Grants

All three and four year olds are entitled to fifteen free hours of childcare per week. You can use these free hours to reduce the weekly fee further.

For further information on Tax Credits ring 0845 300 3900 or visit www.taxcredits.inlandrevenue.gov.uk

For further information on the Tax and National Insurance exemptions for childcare look at the Employers Handbook E18 (2005) or visit www.inlandrevenue.gov.uk/childcare